— Nadine La Reine, The WOW Effect

“I recently had a Power Hour with Hils entitled 'Become an Ideal Client Magnet' and it was amazing! We all hear the words 'ideal client' and probably think we know exactly what this refers too, how to incorporate it into our business, and that we've already got everything in place to cover this area, I know I did.

However, it was it was utterly enlightening to spend this time with Hils as she skillfully helped me to pull out the exact qualities which relate to my ideal client; particularly helpful as I am just launching a new strand in one of my businesses.

There's so much to getting this right, with the implications upon all the content you create for your business hinged on getting this crucial piece of work correct. I cannot stress how important this is, and how allowing myself the time to actually go through the process in a structured manner, with clear & concise notes from Hils afterwards has made a massive impact in the way I'm putting my business out into the world.

I came away with a renewed sense of clarity which had been lacking prior to this session. I highly recommend working with Hils and it will undoubtedly add value to your business proposition. The workbook & bonus materials which Hils included were super helpful and I've found myself referring back to all the documents many times when creating copy for my business.”


— Beverley Jones, Burnout Mentor


— Sally, The Secret Studio